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Apr 10,2023, Added a fully assembled SCSI RIDER 2. However, the connector alone is quite expensive (we used IDC50PIN female, Herose made in Japan, which is high grade). So we think it's more expensive than you imagine. +17 USD for the kit. I have about 3 ready-made.


This SCSI daisy chaining card I designed will plug directly into db25. And the one to connect is BlueSCSI V2. The BlueSCSI V2 is, as we all know, very large and made my previous SCSI RIDER and Stephen Arsenault's Over EasyII unusable.



Kit inclouds:


-330(1K) ohms Resistor

*If the current consumption of the attached LED is small, a resistor with a different constant is included.

-Blue LED

-Poly Switch 1.5A



Below is a link to where to buy the connector for your reference. Use whatever connector you like. It is easy to obtain except female 50pin. Moreover, if you skimp on the 50-pin female and make it cheap, it's tight and hard to get in. be careful. Digi-key links are reasonably easy to insert!


DB25 male connector 
50pin female connecter 
50pin male Right Angle connecter 


<< This item can be shipped for 7USD, Non-Standerd Air Mail w/ Tracking Number. For other regions, please email us. >>


More details here:

This product is our design, but it is open source and anyone can make it freely. We do not waive the right and prohibit the production for the purpose of sale.


SCSI RIDER2 Fully Completed and Bare PCB kit, DB25 to 50pin Adapter

  • This is sold as a kit. You have to assemble it yourself and there is no warranty. We are not responsible for injury, damage to other equipment caused by this equipment, or death. Please make your purchase decision carefully.

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