Nov 4, 2023, The manufacturing schedule has been uploaded here.
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This device is compatible hardware with SmartportSD and the basic usage is the same.
*Sold with the permission of the SmartPortSD project team.
Our simple PDF instruction is here
USAGE:Use a FAT32(16) formatted MicroSD card. Most of the MicroSD cards currently on sale can be used as is.
Extension .po files can be used.The Apple ProDOS disk image that can be used for SPIISD is a .PO file with a maximum size of 32MB. Place this file at the root of your micro SD card. Up to 4 files can be recognized.
The first file name should be “PART1.PO”. As you can imagine, there can place four files, so from the second file on, name the files with regularity, such as "PART2.PO", "PART3.PO", and "PART4.PO".For disk images with the .hdv extension, the catalog structure is the same, so you should be able to use them by simply renaming the file to .po. An APP called CiderPressV4 can convert other file extensions to .po.
We think the most popular way to use SPIISD on the IIc is to use TotalReplay, a collection of old Apple II arcade games. The IIgs supports GSOS. In this case, you can check all four files at the same time on the OS's finder. One of the best performing options if your Apple IIgs doesn't have any expansion cards. It can be installed on the back like the IIc, but if you are using a SCSI card etc., please install it so that it does not come in contact with the output connector of the expansion card.
*If you change the extension from .hdv to .po and it doesn't work, you can use CiderPress to convert it to a .PO file. CiderPressV4 can be done on Windows 7 and up. *For Win98/ME/2K/XP there is an older version.
CiderPress V4:(
For Apple IIc 255 ROM
Smartport will not be enabled if ROM 255 is installed. To check the ROM of your IIc, run the following program from the Basic prompt.
PRINT PEEK (64447)
If the output number is "255", the ROM needs to be replaced. Please purchase the ROM flashing service ROM4x ($8)separately if you don't have a ROM programmer. Installing ROM4X requires replacing the ROM (DIP28 pin) and changing the solder jumpers of W1 and W2. It is written in detail here.
Here for YouTube on how to replace IIc ROM with Javier A. Rivera.
*Regarding ROM4X license, we contacted Michael Guidero, the author of ROM4X, to obtain permission. But this is an open source project.
・SPIISD MINI operates on db19 +5V power, so no additional power supply is required.
・Please do not connect or disconnect the connector while the Apple II’s power is on. In the worst case, the Apple II's IWM chip dies.
・Although there have been no reports of MicroSD card compatibility issues, there may be some MicroSD cards that are incompatible. If it is not recognized, please prepare another MicroSD card.
Lastly, we have uploaded a sample image(Total Reply5.0) for those who are having trouble generating an image. Place this in the root of your SD card as is. *Unzip it, but do NOT rename it.
SPIISD MINI for IIc, IIcPlus, IIgs
Since the inspection was completed early, we started selling the 3rd batch on Nov 16, thank you!